How to paste rows



In word if I want to paste a line of text five times, I just copy the line
and then hit command V five time on next line.

This does not seem to work in Excel.

So if I want to copy a row five times, what I am doing now is inserting
five blank rows where I want them and then pulling down for five new ones.

Is this the most efficient way to do what I'm describing?


kevs wrote :

1) Select the wanted row, clicking on the row "name" 2) Copy it
3) Select five rows where you want to insert the copied one five times 4) From
the "Insert" menu, select the first item (which should read
something like "Copied cells")
5) That's it (well... should be)
Yes it works.
It's kind of weird getting used to where they go. They do below the first
row not highlighted.

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