How to post from find to edit form


Hannu L

Here's what I have. An Access data base with a baseball schedule,
about 160 games. Fields are: game#, date, time, team1, team2 and field#.

I know how to build form to edit, add and delete forms separetly but
what I'm looking for is search form that I can key in the game number
eg. 125 and that will post the info into a edit form where I can edit the
click on Submit and the info in the data base will be updated.

Right now I have an edit form but that pulls up all the games form Access.
Same with a delete form. Would be nice to have a search form that you key
in the game number and get the record posted into a edit or delete form.

I know how to make a search form post to an other form but what do I
base the edit form on when I build it? If I use the wizard I'm forced to
it on a table on a data base and the POST from the search form doesn't work.

Any help much appreciated.


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