This is a bit of a challenge to do dynamically. Certainly the "finsh befor
abatement" and "Start aftetr abatement" can be handled with appropriate
There are two issues, tasks in progress may need to be split as they will
suspend during the abatement process, and, tasks that may be performed "any"
time. More than likely, you will be driven by the availability of your
abatement resources. The abatement team will show up at the job site when
they complete their prior job and will only give you an estimate of when they
can show up.
I might consider creating two work calandars. One is a standard work week,
the other has the dates when the abatement team will be working set as
"non-working time". Assign the calendar with this non-working time to all
the tasks except abatement tasks. The abatement tasks use the standard
calendar. Now, as the scheduling progressess, the takes will autmomatically
schedule themeselves with a down period during abatement. You will need to
monitor this closely, if the abatment team notifies you they will start on a
different day, then you will have to change the working time of your calendar
to accomodate their change. At least you only have to change it in one place.
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Jim Aksel, MVP
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