Hi Tunamonster, hope you are well
You need to tell Project these tasks have a relationship to each other, or
that they need to be done in a certain sequence. Linking tasks creates a
relationship or dependency between the tasks. By default, linking tasks
forces one task to finish before the next one can start, or what's referred
to as a Finish to Start (FS) relationship. In your situation this means if
the tasks in the project are linked, then no other task will happen at the
same time as your asbestos abatement task.
To link tasks with the default FS relationship (Project 2003 or 2007),
select all tasks to be linked and press the link button on the toolbar. The
link button on the toolbar looks like a link in a chain. (or press Ctrl + F2).
If some other tasks can, or need to happen concurrently, then you can choose
to link only selected tasks. Or, perhaps more appropriately, if you have
linked all tasks in the project any they have the default FS relationship,
you can amend the task relationship between these tasks to a Start-Start
type, meaning these tasks could both start at the same time. Below is a link
to more about linking tasks and their relationship types below.
Hope this information has been useful to you.