Hey folks, I'm a noob at programming Outlook. I am interested in modifying the default contact form in Outlook 2000. I use Outlook to keep track of clients as well as personal contacts. I would like to create a custom field for clients in which to assign a matter number (e.g. "M001, T012", etc.). However, I would like prevent the entry of duplicates (no two contacts may have the same matter number). I would like Outlook to tell me when I have tried to assign a matter number to a contact that is already in use (similar to the default error message that pops up when I have created two contacts with the same names). I have reviwed a number of manuals and looked around but have not found a solution to my problem. I assume that I will have to script a solution that checks for duplicates on entry. Does anyone have any suggestion for how I might go about this? Is there a simpler solution
Thanks in advanc
Thanks in advanc