how to prevent pdf2word to convert pdf



I have pdf2word program and i wonder if someone knows how to prevent
someone else to convert my pdf to word..

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You are wasting your time. If they are determined enough, they could just
re-type it.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Graham Mayor

Any document that you allow someone to see can easily be reproduced. If OCR
software doesn't handle the original file - and it will, it will certainly
do so if the document is printed and scanned. If you inhibit printing, a
scrolling screen capture tool such as SnagIt will capture the document from
the screen. The *only* way to stop someone from reproducing your document is
not to give them access to it.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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The *only* way to stop someone from reproducing your document is
not to give them access to it.

I thought so...Ok..thanks anyway..



Depending on the software you're using to create the PDF, you can set its security to prevent copying and/or printing of the PDF.
Word has no control over this.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

| I have pdf2word program and i wonder if someone knows how to prevent
| someone else to convert my pdf to word..
| Thanks..


Depending on the software you're using to create the PDF, you can set its security to prevent copying and/or printing of the PDF.
Word has no control over this.

I`m using that protection but despite that you can convert PDF to word
with, for example, PDF2Word and then you can copy, edit and print that

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