My website created in simple html language under Frontpage is currently
linked on another website without permission.
This webmaster uses the technique of "wrapping" to link to my web instead of
using a simple hyperlink (using the wrapping, my pages look like a dump of
my web on his site).
I don't appreciate at all this method as my website is protected by
copyright, logo, text, and images. Then the page are shifted and not
accessible in full page from his site.
I prefer by far that amateurs use a simple hyperlink and get a full screen
access to my site directly.
Is there a javascript or another simple code that could prevent webmasters
of wrapping of my pages ? Any link is welcome.
Thank you.
My website created in simple html language under Frontpage is currently
linked on another website without permission.
This webmaster uses the technique of "wrapping" to link to my web instead of
using a simple hyperlink (using the wrapping, my pages look like a dump of
my web on his site).
I don't appreciate at all this method as my website is protected by
copyright, logo, text, and images. Then the page are shifted and not
accessible in full page from his site.
I prefer by far that amateurs use a simple hyperlink and get a full screen
access to my site directly.
Is there a javascript or another simple code that could prevent webmasters
of wrapping of my pages ? Any link is welcome.
Thank you.