How to Print a File or Control


Chaplain Doug

Excel 2003. FIRST, I want to just be able to print (to my default printer)
the contents of a text control on a user form. I was given the following
code, but the printout is funky (margins are super narrow).

Dim PrinterName As String, I As Integer
I = InStr(Application.ActivePrinter, " on ")
PrinterName = Mid(Application.ActivePrinter, 1, I - 1)
Open PrinterName For Output As #1
Print #1, ProcessStatus.ProcStat.Text
Close #1


SECOND, How does one print out an external file from Excel VBA code.
Suppose for instance that I want to print out file "Test.txt." How would I
program that? Thanks for the help and God bless.

Tom Ogilvy

Test this chaplain doug

Sub abc()
Dim PrinterName As String, I As Integer
s = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
I = InStr(Application.ActivePrinter, " on ")
PrinterName = Mid(Application.ActivePrinter, 1, I - 1)
Open PrinterName For Output As #1
Print #1, s & s
Close #1

End Sub

this went all the way across the paper - if it does it for you, you may have
to take out the CHR(10)'s in your text box and place them in more appropriate
places in your text string.

Chaplain Doug

Dear Tom:

First, I thank you for taking the time to try to help me. The code you
suggest here is the same as I already have. It does not give reliable
results. For instance when I set my default to one network printer it prints
with super small top, left, right, and bottom margins. When I set my default
to another network printer, the printer says I need to load COM10 envelopes.
When I set my default to my desktop printer, it does not print at all.

What I would really like to do is save the text from the control into a
".txt" file (this I know how to do) and then print this file. How from Excel
VBA can I print an existing file? Thanks for the help and God bless.

Tom Ogilvy

If I wanted to do it from DOS/Command window I would do

copy "C:\MyFile\Test.txt" Lpt1

perhaps you can get the shell command to support something like that. I
haven't tried it.

Chaplain Doug

Dear Tom:

The lpt1 is a problem, since I am using a network printer.

I got some code a while back that allowed me to open and view a text file.
I was hoping for a similar tip that would allow me to print the text file.

I realize that I may have tapped you out on this. Should I repost and see
if someone else can provide code to do what I want? I get the impression
that once a post has a reply, then other MVPs assume it has been handled.
Thus, do I need to repost to get others to look at this as well? Thanks.

Chaplain Doug

Dear Tom:

I put this together from another post in this forum. it works great. Just
thought you might want to add it to your basket:

Dim WordObj As Object
On Error GoTo Err_PS
Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Open CurDir + "\temp.doc" For Output As #1
Print #1, ProcessStatus.ProcStat.Text
Close #1
WordObj.Documents.Open CurDir + "\temp.doc"
WordObj.PrintOut Background:=False, Copies:=1
Set WordObj = Nothing
Kill (CurDir + "\temp.doc")
Close #1
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox("Error printing status window. Please contact system
administrator.", vbOKOnly, "Print Error")
ProcessStatus.PrintStatus.Enabled = False
GoTo Exit_PS

Tom Ogilvy

Thanks but no thanks.

If I was going to open word to print the file, why wouldn't I just add a
sheet in Excel, write the text directly and print it, delete the sheet or
just write it to a section of an existing sheet, print that section, then
clear it.
Yours seems like the long way around the block. I would have suggested this
simple solution, but when you asked for a specific solution, I assumed you
had ruled out the obvious simple solution.

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