How to print pics with date and time



Hi all, hopefully you can help.

I have taken pics on my camera and now in 'my pictures', the date and time
is shown on the camera for these pics, but I want to print a couple off with
the date and time they were taken.
I have printed a couple off, but doesnt show the date and time, I have
looked all over and cant find anything that tells me how to do it.

I really need the time and date on at least a couple of these pics, any help
will be very much appreciated.

David Webb

You haven't mentioned what application you're using to print. For example I use
Canon ZoomBrowser EX 5.6 (which is not an Office application) to manage my
images. Its print routine allows selection of Date and Time
individual options.

Maybe yours does or does not, but no one can advise you unless they know what
you're using.


David Webb said:
You haven't mentioned what application you're using to print. For example I use
Canon ZoomBrowser EX 5.6 (which is not an Office application) to manage my
images. Its print routine allows selection of Date and Time
individual options.

Maybe yours does or does not, but no one can advise you unless they know what
you're using.

Thankyou for your response, am not too sure what you mean by application,
but the pics are stored in 'my pictures', and normally use the cannon scanner
and camera wizard to print them off.
Under each thumbnails they have the date and time when they were taken, this
is what I need on the pics that I wish to print off.

Perhaps there is no facility for this, I even went through the microsoft
help to see is there was anything I could do, so either they havent the
facility either, or I am missing something.

David Webb

An application is a program like MS Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. In my case it was
a Canon application that I referenced.

You appear to be using a Canon application also, but you're looking in
Microsoft's Help section for answers for this Canon print issue. Try Canon's
Help section, search for "print time stamp".

If still no joy, you should be able to identify the application being used and
post back with its name and version. This will help greatly since many other
users here probably have the same product.

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