How to print Publisher business cards on Wausau Paper No. 27996?



Created business card in Publisher. Now want to print a full page on Wausau
Paper No. 27996 (Office Max). Need to set Top Margin, Side Margin, Vertical
Pitch, Horizontal Pitch, Label Height, Label Width, Number across, Number
Down, Page Size. I can do this in Word but can't get my Publisher Business
Card into Word.

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Since you know all of that information, you should be able to create your
own template.

Mary Sauer

These cards are standard 3.5 x 2, use the measurements as outlined in Don's post. The
only difference if you are using 2003, the "change copies per sheet" is on the page
setup screen.


Thanks for your response. I can create the template in Word, but the
Publisher file will not import to Word.

JoAnn Paules said:
Since you know all of that information, you should be able to create your
own template.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

gward179759 said:
Created business card in Publisher. Now want to print a full page on
Paper No. 27996 (Office Max). Need to set Top Margin, Side Margin,
Pitch, Horizontal Pitch, Label Height, Label Width, Number across, Number
Down, Page Size. I can do this in Word but can't get my Publisher Business
Card into Word.


Thanks, I will try this.

Don Schmidt said:
Here's I do it with Publisher 2000.

Page Setup
Special Size
Business Card from the drop down menu

Create card.

Assuming you are using standard business card stock of 2 wide and 5 high;

Page options button
Print multiple copies per sheet
Custom options button
Margins = .5"
Gap = 0"
Side Margins = .75"
Vertical gap = 0"


And it's printing a sheet of ten cards.
Save the file and all the settings will be saved for the next batch of the
same cards.


No need to even use a template. Start with a blank letter size publication.
Depending on the perfs, set it to landscape if necessary for the particular
sheet. Create a single b/c or copy from your existing card. Position the
card so that it lines up with the perforations for the first card. Once
that's complete, copy and paste to fill up the other card spaces on the
sheet. These instructions also apply to gummed labels and postcards.

gward179759 said:
Thanks for your response. I can create the template in Word, but the
Publisher file will not import to Word.

JoAnn Paules said:
Since you know all of that information, you should be able to create your
own template.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

gward179759 said:
Created business card in Publisher. Now want to print a full page on
Paper No. 27996 (Office Max). Need to set Top Margin, Side Margin,
Pitch, Horizontal Pitch, Label Height, Label Width, Number across,
Down, Page Size. I can do this in Word but can't get my Publisher
Card into Word.

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