Although this *can* be done, it is no picnic, and you're likely to spoil
some envelopes trying.
1. Your chances of success are perhaps best if your envelopes feed to the
left, face up (the fourth of the six positions shown in Word's Envelope
Options dialog). In that case, open the envelope flap, place the envelope in
the upper left corner of a sheet of Letter (or A4) paper, and trace its
outline. Then use a ruler to work out the position of the address on a sheet
of Letter/A4 paper and set up your document accordingly.
2. If your envelopes feed in any other position, you'll have to try feeding
them with the flap closed. You can select the envelope size as your paper
size (in Page Setup), position the return address as needed (setting the
orientation to Portrait or Landscape as appropriate), and then feed the
envelopes the opposite of the way you would to print a delivery address
(face up or face down with relation to the return address rather than the
delivery address).
3. If your envelopes feed crosswise (in any position), you can still try
feeding them with the flap open (envelope leading, flap trailing); once
again, you'll probably have to select Letter/A4 as the paper size and
position your text accordingly.