How to print the current displayed page in print preview




Is there anyway to print the page shown/displayed on the print preview
I have tried the following and added a custom button to the print preview

ActiveDocument.PrintOut Range:=wdPrintCurrentPage

but it does not work if I have scrolled (I use the mouse scroll button) to
another page. It will still print
the first page that has been displayed unless I have specifically clicked on
the page to zoom in.

The following doesn't work either because you need to do a click in order to
select that page. Without the click, it won't work.

Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) etc.

Is there anyway to track the page currently displayed even though I have not
made a selection on the page.

Thanks and regards,


Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi John,

I think that it is related to the fact that the amount of "page" that
scrolls in and out of view when using the scroll bar is intimately related
to the screen resolution coupled to the Word Zoom factor... So, this means
you could easily end up with many pages being displayed. If there was such a
thing as "Print the displayed page", which one would then print, since page
display is relative to many factors?

This is why there is only "Print Current page" meaning the one where the
current selection starts, regardless of the page being displayed. And here,
there is no guessing or confusion, there can only be one selection starting

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:


Thanks for the reply.

Actually what I want to do is to print the only one page displayed in print
preview (because I normally set the preview zoom% to one page at a time).
But I do think that if multiple pages are displayed then all these pages
could be printed as well. That's similar to choosing Selection from
File|Print... where how many pages will be printed depends on how large the
selection is.

I think if there is a way to retrieve the information about the page(s)
displayed on the screen (just like the wdActiveEndPageNumber etc), that
would be great.

Forget to mention that I am using Word2000.

Thanks anyway

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi John,

What I meant to illustrate (Sorry for not being more direct) with my
previous post was that it is not possible, at least as far as I know.
I guess this could be one more wish to send to MS!

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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