How to program if statement in mergefield



A Newbie trying to make a Envelope Mail Merge document. I want to be able to
print the Surname of females followed by their Married Names. If Male then
only the Surname should print. The fields I have set up in my Excel database
are: Fname, Lname, Sex (M or F), Spouse Lname. Trying to follow MS help menu
but not helping much. Would someone give me the syntax I would use in the
MERGEFIELD area. Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Peter Jamieson

Something like:

{ MERGEFIELD Lname }{ IF { MERGEFIELD Sex } = "F" " { MERGEFIELD "Spouse
Lname" }" "" }

All the {} need to be the special field braces you can enter using ctrl-F9

Peter Jamieson

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