How to programatically not show shapes window



Hello All,

I am uisng Visio ActiveX control in application and was wondering if
it is possible to hide the shapes window which comes up on the screen as
soon as you load a drawing inside the activex control.



Also wondering how you would make the diagram non-editable?

Basically, in other words, I am trying to get the Visio ActiveX control to
display the drawing and allow zoom in.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

You can just shut all of the sub-windows in the control in one fell swoop,
ie: stencil, shapes, document explorer, custom properties, etc.

Note, in this loop you could dump win.Caption, win.ID to see who is who...

' Close all of the anchor bar windows (ie: Custom Properties,

' Drawing Explorer, Shape Find, etc.)

For Each win As Visio.Window In VisX.Window.Windows

win.Visible = False



Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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