How to programmatically disable the Office Assistant using VBA?


Hazel O'Sullivan


Would any one know how to programmatically(using VBA) disable the Office Assistant in Access but not disable it in the other Office applications? i.e Office Assiatant is visible when working in Excel but not visible when working in Access

Please any ideas I'm out of them

Hazel O'Sullivan

Galin Iliev

use this

set AccessApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")

AccessApp.Assistant.Visible = false

Galin Iliev

Hazel O'Sullivan said:

Would any one know how to programmatically(using VBA) disable the Office
Assistant in Access but not disable it in the other Office applications?
i.e Office Assiatant is visible when working in Excel but not visible when
working in Access.

Peter Hewett

Hi Hazel O'Sullivan

I get around this little "problem" but not installing the sucker in the first place.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Orthner, Kerri

is there a lost focus event for the application to turn it on and then a got forcus event to turn it off, it being the assistant???

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