How to properly cross-post




How does one cross-post to different discussion groups? In particular, how
can I find the "full USENET designation" of groups I'd like to cross-post to?



Demosthenes said:
How does one cross-post to different discussion groups? In particular, how
can I find the "full USENET designation" of groups I'd like to cross-post

I do not use the MS Discussion Groups web interface anymore. But when I
tested crossposting some time ago, I believe I learned the "full Usenet
designation" by opening an article in the discussion group to which I wanted
to crosspost. The newsgroup name appears after "In:" in the upper right.

Note: The MSDG server is renowned for its flaws. You might consider using
Outlook Express (or Outlook?) and connecting directly to the MSnews server
( Alternatively, you might consider another web
interface like Google Groups. However, note that many articles posted using
the MSDG web interface do not find their to the Google Groups server, even
though they are on the MSnews server. Don't know why.

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