How to put a 0 in a record instead of blank.



I need to put a "0" instead of blank data in record so my expression will work.

I used a iif aplication:
WC: IIf([SumOfWebinar Count]=Null,"[SumOfWebinar Count]","0")

but for some reason the 0 isnt showing up..
please help

raskew via

Lookup the Nz() function.

I need to put a "0" instead of blank data in record so my expression will work.

I used a iif aplication:
WC: IIf([SumOfWebinar Count]=Null,"[SumOfWebinar Count]","0")

but for some reason the 0 isnt showing up..
please help

Roger Carlson

You can't use the equal sign with Null. Try:

WC: IIf(IsNull([SumOfWebinar Count]),"[SumOfWebinar Count]","0")

BTW, are you sure your original is right? I would think it should be:

WC: IIf(IsNull([SumOfWebinar Count]),0,[SumOfWebinar Count])

which means if it is null, display zero, otherwise display the value.

or use the Nz function

WC: Nz([SumOfWebinar Count],0)

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
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