I'm faced with a problem about page numbering. Well to be more clear, I have
a long document written in a two separated files. The smaller one (9 pages)
is written in a document landscape mode. I need to put them together and
give the unique page numbers.
I tried to do many things to resolve the problem but I could not find the
solution. I tried to give the page numbers in the document which is written
in the landscape mode but I can do it only at the top and the bottom. In my
case the numbers should be on the left of the document so when I print it
all together I'll have the numbers in the same place and the direction.
I hope I explained it well
Thank you all,
a long document written in a two separated files. The smaller one (9 pages)
is written in a document landscape mode. I need to put them together and
give the unique page numbers.
I tried to do many things to resolve the problem but I could not find the
solution. I tried to give the page numbers in the document which is written
in the landscape mode but I can do it only at the top and the bottom. In my
case the numbers should be on the left of the document so when I print it
all together I'll have the numbers in the same place and the direction.
I hope I explained it well
Thank you all,