Azimuthal axis labeling and setting grid
I am building azimuthal antenna patterns using the Excel radar graphs
After hours of trying every conceiveable method, I am yet unable to lable
the axes with 0, 90,180 and 270 degrees. And I would like to set the major
azimuthal grid to be at 10 degree intervals and the minor azimuthal grid to
be every 5 degrees. In the international engineering community this is the
standard for antenna patterns. Is there a way to prepare charts like this in
Microsoft Excel 2000?
Thanks for the help.
After hours of trying every conceiveable method, I am yet unable to lable
the axes with 0, 90,180 and 270 degrees. And I would like to set the major
azimuthal grid to be at 10 degree intervals and the minor azimuthal grid to
be every 5 degrees. In the international engineering community this is the
standard for antenna patterns. Is there a way to prepare charts like this in
Microsoft Excel 2000?
Thanks for the help.