How To Rank The Grade



Hi everyone,

Please help me with this problem.
I am doing an exam marksheet.
There are nine grades for each subject, namely A to I, where A is the best.

Column A shows students' names.
Columns B to J shows numbers of Grade A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I each student

What is the formula for RANKING students achievement according to most
numbers of A, followed by B to I.?

I don't to sort those column ... but rather have another column that shows
RANKING of every student in the class based on the numbers of most A,
folowed by B, C, D, E, F,G,H and. I

This is to decide the position in class.

Thanks for your help.

Warmest regards,

Ken Russell

I'm not sure that I understand correctly what you are trying to do.

If you assign a value to each grade, say A=9, B=8 and so on, then you could
simply add the values to arrive at a total score for each student.

Ken Russell

| Hi everyone,
| Please help me with this problem.
| I am doing an exam marksheet.
| There are nine grades for each subject, namely A to I, where A is the
| Column A shows students' names.
| Columns B to J shows numbers of Grade A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I each
| achieve.
| What is the formula for RANKING students achievement according to most
| numbers of A, followed by B to I.?
| I don't to sort those column ... but rather have another column that shows
| RANKING of every student in the class based on the numbers of most A,
| folowed by B, C, D, E, F,G,H and. I
| This is to decide the position in class.
| Thanks for your help.
| Warmest regards,
| Salza



In column K, put:

B2+C2/10+D2/100+E2/1000... etc

then in Column L use the rank formula on column K




I should add that this will work only if the number of possible grades
of any one type is less than 10 (Because 11 B's should not be ranked
higher than 1 A). If each student could receive more than 11 Bs, use
the following:

B2+C2/100+D2/10000+E2/100000 etc

I each student could get more than 100 B's, then pity them!


Peter Atherton


Further to Ken's reply assigning numbers to ranks, you
could use this formula




Salza said:
Hi everyone,

Please help me with this problem.
I am doing an exam marksheet.
There are nine grades for each subject, namely A to I, where A is the best.

Column A shows students' names.
Columns B to J shows numbers of Grade A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I each student

What is the formula for RANKING students achievement according to most
numbers of A, followed by B to I.?

It sounds like you want someone with say 3 A's and 7 I's to rank ahead of
someone with 2 A's and 8 B's. Is that what you intended?

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