Hi folks,
as you know Excel is quiet slow when operating on arrays comparing to Visual Studio.
So I have an idea to make the work faster by:
1. Write Excel range to disk as array
Dim MyArray As Variant ' create array
Dim path As String
path = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\array.txt" ' set path & filename
MyArray = Selection ' selected area will be written as array
Dim free As Integer
free = FreeFile ' free file number
Open path For Binary As free
Put #free, , MyArray ' save array to disk
Close #free
2. Then open this array in Visual Studio for faster operations.
Unfortunately I can manage how to read such array in Visual Studio.
Can you help me?
Thanks in Advance
as you know Excel is quiet slow when operating on arrays comparing to Visual Studio.
So I have an idea to make the work faster by:
1. Write Excel range to disk as array
Dim MyArray As Variant ' create array
Dim path As String
path = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\array.txt" ' set path & filename
MyArray = Selection ' selected area will be written as array
Dim free As Integer
free = FreeFile ' free file number
Open path For Binary As free
Put #free, , MyArray ' save array to disk
Close #free
2. Then open this array in Visual Studio for faster operations.
Unfortunately I can manage how to read such array in Visual Studio.
Can you help me?
Thanks in Advance