How to read Excel in a .NET app


nate axtell

I have a VB application using the .NET 2.0 framework. I want to be able to
read the contents of an Excel file into the application. I do not want to
require that Office be installeed on the machine where is application is
running. I have one test application that uses the Excel Object Model
(reference to Excel in my project) and I create an Excel.Application, a
Workbook, and Worksheets. I want to know if this is redistributable with my
application, both legally and whether or not it will work without Office
being installed.

I've also been looking at using the Jet OLEDB Provider with ADO .NET to
query the Excel file. Does this provider only get installed with Access?
And, if not, could it be redistributed with a VB .NET 2.0 application?

Thanks for any information,

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