how to really remove NORMAL.DOT?????


leo d.

here's the problem:

dell laptop
win xp sp2
office 2003

a user has a WORD doc with some graphs and pixs. but printing (or PRINT
PREVIEW) wont go beyond that page where the graphs and pixs start.

now, it's only her account. i can login with my account the same file
prints fine. or i can open the file on my computer and it prints fine.

so i thought just delete the NORmAL.DOT file.

i find it in: C:\documents and settings\<username>\application

so i delete and restart WORD. yet the file is still having the same issues!

is it anywhere else? or am i missing something else? another file?


Charles Kenyon

This has nothing to do with
Don't delete as a first solution to anything!
If you need to check if is a problem, rename it.

Is her Word set up to print drawings? Does it show them on her screen?
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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