How to Recalculate end date?


Mike R

Previously, I created my project tasks, days required, dependenies etc
and MS-project calculated the end-phase-one milestone to be after 4

Two weeks later, I have input remaining-days information for all the
tasks and I expected that MS-project would then automatically
recalculate the end-date milestone to be a further 3 weeks after the
original estimate, ie showing slippage.

But it didn't. It seems that MS-project only (re)calculates based on
work values.

How can I have MS-project derive the new end-date from remaining-days

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Mike,

If I read you right, Project should recalculate the lot.
Look at Tools, Options, Calculation, is that put on Automatic?
Doesn't the milestone (or any other end task) have a constraint such as must
finish on or Finish no later than?

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620

Steve house

When you input remaining days did you also input actual? Did you reschedule
remaining work (from the Tools, Tracking, Update Project menu)? Here's what
can happen if you leave something out. Project doesn't know about work and
the current date. So here it is Teuesday. Last week we had a task
scheduled to start last Monday and finish last Friday. We actually did 2
days work on it so we post in Actual Duration 2 days, Remaining Duration 3
days. But Project doesn't know whether we really didn't work last Wed,
Thur, and Fri or just haven't gotten around to gathering and entering the
data for those dates as yet so it still shows the Finish field to be last
Friday. If we actually worked as scheduled we'll eventually get the data
entry caught up and we'll see we really did finish last week on schedule.
But if we didn't do any work the last three days of the week, we need to run
the Reschedule Uncompleted Work tool. We do that, saying to schedule it to
the earliest possible date we could do it, which is tomorrow. The task
splits, with the undone work jumping forward into this week and everything
else dependent on it pushing out as well, the finish dates changing as you
expected them to. Hope this helps...

Steve House
MS Project MVP

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