William C Gates
I am trying to create a macro that will allow me to save the macro within the current excel file.
When the macro is saved in the Yardi YSL template, it is removed once it isran through the Yardi software. I am trying to create this macro on a separate file that will allow the macro to be ran on the 'current selected' file after the report is ran from Yardi and save that macro to that current file (I hope this makes sense).
It's simple macro, but unable to figure out how to assign the macro to the current file, then assign it to the macro button. Once the file is saved and distributed, the 'print button' macro will work for any user.
Sheets("SEC Balance Sheet").Select
Sheets(Array("SEC Balance Sheet", "SEC Income Statement", _
"NBV-Prop Taxes by Property", "Income Stmt - Oper Props (YTD)", _
"Income Stmt - Oper Props (MTD)")).Select
Sheets("SEC Balance Sheet").Activate
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Button 2")).Select
Selection.OnAction = "PrintButton"
Thank you for your help!!!
When the macro is saved in the Yardi YSL template, it is removed once it isran through the Yardi software. I am trying to create this macro on a separate file that will allow the macro to be ran on the 'current selected' file after the report is ran from Yardi and save that macro to that current file (I hope this makes sense).
It's simple macro, but unable to figure out how to assign the macro to the current file, then assign it to the macro button. Once the file is saved and distributed, the 'print button' macro will work for any user.
Sheets("SEC Balance Sheet").Select
Sheets(Array("SEC Balance Sheet", "SEC Income Statement", _
"NBV-Prop Taxes by Property", "Income Stmt - Oper Props (YTD)", _
"Income Stmt - Oper Props (MTD)")).Select
Sheets("SEC Balance Sheet").Activate
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Button 2")).Select
Selection.OnAction = "PrintButton"
Thank you for your help!!!