how to redim more than one dimension in a multidimensional dynamic array?



As I searched previous posts, I get the point that only the last
dimension can be redimed. I am wondering what if both dimensions are
need to be redimed? I have a 4 dimensional array, and each dimension
has a big upperbound. If I define all of them to be fixed expect for
the last dimension, it will result in many unnecessary loops. Any


Tom Ogilvy

Only the last dimension can be redimensioned in a dynamic array if you want
to preserve

Redim preserve arr(1 to 20, 1 to 30)

the data.

Jim Thomlinson

Depending on what you are storing you might be able to replace the 4
dimensions with just one dimension and a user defined type. Then you can just
resize the one array and store 4 different variables for each item in the

Type MyType
MyString as string
MyInteger as Integer
YourInteger as Integer
My Double as Double
end type

sub test()
dim MyStuff() as MyType

... 'redim preserve...
msgbox Mystuff(1).MyString

This might be a bit cryptic if you are not familiar with UDT's. If you need
more help just post back.

Bob Phillips

Only the last I am afraid. You need to start with the others as big as you
will ever need. Perhaps your loops could exit on an empty element, like this

For i = LBound(ary, 1) To UBound(ary, 1)
If IsEmpty(ary(i, 1)) Then
MsgBox i
Exit For
End If
Next i



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Tom Ogilvy

Maybe you need to redefine you perspective.

Do your really need to redim both dimensions? If the real need is to add
rows, then reorient your array to

Arr(1 to num columns, 1 to numrows)

use an array of arrays.

Tom Ogilvy

You said you had a four dimensional array, but many people mistakenly call

arr(1 to 20,1 to 4)

as a four dimensional array. Also, it is hard to imagine any real use for a
4 dimensional array unless you are willing to do a lot of looping.

Jim Thomlinson

I have not done a multi-dimensional array in for ever. I can never keep my
looping straight enough to get back what I want. With UDT's it's easy...
Collections can also be very handy. They are more work to impliment but easy
to add and remove from.

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