How to reference an ACTIVEX control using VBA?



I have some activex controls in some slides (not userforms). I want to make
an INITIALIZE procedure to clean the TEXTBOX from the first slide in the

I tried:
ActivePresentation.Slides(6).TextBox1.Value = "" and also tried
ActivePresentation.Slides(6).Shapes("TextBox1").Value = ""

but none of them is working.

The textbox are in the range of slides 6 to 18, one textbox in each of it.
The user fills the textbox while the presentation is runing; it is necessary
an initialize procedure to clean the textbox at the begining of the


Thanks John! It's working perfectly!
Also I used the expression:

For i = 6 To 20
ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes("TextBox1").OLEFormat.Object.Value = ""
Next i

to get all slides that have the TextBox1.

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