How to reference variable range in a loop



Dear all,
In my loop the number of rows for range changes. I have to copy paste from
one Sheet to other. I tried following ways:

d =
number_rows = ...
name_range = "a2:i" & number_rows + 1
Sheets(1).range(name_range).Value = Sheets(2).range(name_range).offset

This does not work...

the second way I tried

d = ...
number_rows = ...
Sheets(1).range(Cells(2,1), Cells(number_rows+1,9)).Value =
Sheets(2).range(Cells(2,1), Cells(number_rows+1+d,9)).Value

This does not work too...
Please help
How to prepare a reference using Concatenate or any other function?
How can one use Cells in Range(...) in multiple Sheets?
Thanks for your time

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