Hey Mike,
Thanks for the reply!
Hey Biff,
Good to hear from you again.
To answer your three questions:
1) "Tell us where the source for the combo box is" - Is the source the
input range in the Format Control menu? (I am very new at using these
Forms controls. I am not sure of what items are called). If it is
then the Input range is a named range called MCL_Name, which is a
dynamic named range on a sheet called CustList. Consisting of all
filled cells in column A, only 1 column wide. If the source is
something else, then I don't know.
2) "Link the combo box to a cell" - I didn't know what the "link" was
for until your explanation. So I chose A200 as the linked cell and
gave it a name "pfDisc" (pf for PrintForm sheet and Disc for the
purpose of the ComboBox which is to display the Description field of
each customer record, which is column A). And like you said it
returns the number of rows the chosen entry is from the top of the
MCL_Name list.
3) "Tell us where 5 columns away is" - 5 columns is the data that is
being requested by one of the empty cells in the form I am trying to
fill. It is the column 5 columns right of column A (column F) in the
CustName sheet (where the MCL_Name range is column A). I chose column
5 as an example.
You have given me the last pieces to this puzzle - for this, I thank
With this I was able to use OFFSET to get all of the data transferred.
This is the formula looking to column 5. ( I chose to start in clStart
which is CustList!A1):
Works very well.
Again, thank you for your explanation, it really helped!!!