How to remove Background Image from a Theme?


Mr B

Hi there,

I'm trying to edit a FP theme using the FP "Modify" button thingie. When I go to the Graphics
button, I want to remove the background image. If I delete the file and click OK it puts the file
back in. How can I get rid of the background iamge for the theme so I can just set a color isntead?

Thomas A. Rowe

Have you tried applying the theme and un-checking use background picture?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Mr B

No, that would be way too easy. (and it worked).

So if I'm modifying a theme, I *always* have to pick a background iamge even if I'm not going to use
it? And then I have to just uncheck the box?

Should be a box on the Background Graphic page to select "No Image"

Thomas A. Rowe

I would say yes.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Mr B said:
No, that would be way too easy. (and it worked).

So if I'm modifying a theme, I *always* have to pick a background iamge even if I'm not going to use
it? And then I have to just uncheck the box?

Should be a box on the Background Graphic page to select "No Image"

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