How to remove bar separating footnotes from text?



How can I remove the bar separating footnotes from text? It appears just
above the foot note area. It is left aligned and runs halfway through the page

Rae Drysdale

You need to be in *normal* view to do this. Click on Footnotes in the View
menu. You can select and delete the separator from here. Hope this helps.


Thank you, Rae, for taking the trouble to respond.
That is how I used to deal with this issue until I installed Word 2007.
There seems to be no way that I can see of going to the "normal" view. The
only options are print, full screen, web,draft, outline. What am I missing?
Thank you for your help.


Just in case you weren't aware of it, it may help to know that in 2007 Draft
View supposedly is the "equivalent" of what used to be Normal View. Whether
you can remove the separator there I have no idea, but IIRC, it isn't
exactly as it used to be.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hi all,

This is from a reply by Shauna Kelly to someone else's question ...

"Assuming you have one or more footnotes or end notes in the document, on the
View tab, choose Draft view (this is the view formerly known as Normal view;
what was Draft view has now gone). On the References tab, click Show Notes.
You'll now be in familiar territory."



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