How to remove/disable Access Minimize button



I have found code to disable the Access window Close button. I also
need to disable the Minimize button.

This line
Const SC_CLOSE = &HF060&
defines the close button. If I knew the value of the Minimize button,
I am thinking I can just add it to my code.

My Access app is running on a Remote Desktop. I want to prevent the
user from doing anything but my app. I want to keep may app always


Van T. Dinh

The Minimize button has ID &HF020&

However, using code similar to the Close button won't work. I think it has
some think to do with the fact that Minimize, Restore / Maximize work
together co-operatively.

(sorry) I haven't been able to work out how to disable the Minimize button

Van T. Dinh

I am sure that there is a option on the Terminal Server that prevent the
user from accessing the server Desktop.

You need to check with the administrator of the Term Server. I think there
are a number of options such as Profile, Startup Application, Disable Server
Desktop you can use.

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