How to remove tech.gif & winmail.dat files from outgoing mails?



While sending attachments in excel,word,notepad; An attachment called
tech.gif & winmail.dat going alongwith the mail. Hence receiver gets the mail
in not readible form. Even proper attachments gets corrupted.
# Operating system - Windows 98
# Microsoft Outlook - 2000

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Usually WinMail.DAT means you're sending your mail in Rich Text Format. Use
Plain Text or HTML format instead


I am having a similar problem. Any Word, Excel or datbase attachment is
renamed or rewritten to tech.gif and is unusable by the person I sent it to.
Even without an attachment, there shows to be a tech.gif attached to the
receiving party. I now must use different method to email these type docs.

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