CyberTaz said:
Underscoring Daiya's suggestions - click the file once then click the name
again - not a double-click - or press enter or return after the first
click, then type a new name. (Going through Get Info, though a valid option,
is like going from Brooklyn to Queens by way of Cincinnati - hardly worth
the trip unless you happen to have other business there
Well, I totally agree (mostly: Brooklyn to Queens via NJ), but you never
know what people might prefer, that seemed closest to the Windows way.
I personally find the click, pause, click thing very difficult to get
right consistently and not accidentally open the doc.
Actually, on re-reading this--I first thought it was they didn't *want*
to right-click but now I realize that OP doesn't know how to right
click. And yes, the name is "new convert".
New Convert--Welcome to the Mac!
You can *always* right-click on the Mac by holding down the control key
while clicking. That will bring up the contextual menu.
Depending on your machine, there are other ways (maybe two-finger tap on
a new laptop? do the current macs come with an invisible second-button
mouse? I have an old machine, so I'm not sure, but check in Finder |
Help | MacHelp, you'll see specific topics aimed at Switchers from
Windows that are very useful). You can also plug in most any mouse from
Logitech, Kensington, MS, others and use it happily.