How to replace Cross-reference whis Hyperlinks?


Elena Bulaeva

Hello. I have many documents contained many cross-references to
Headings. I need to replace this cross-references with Hyperlinks. How
can I do it? Is there any macros to help me. Thanks.


Hi Elena,

Any cross-reference field can act as a hyperlink, by adding the hyperlink switch (ie \h) when you create it. Alternatively, you can
add the switch later by selecting the cross-reference field and pressing Shift-F9 to expose the field code, then adding '\h' at the
right end. Press F9 to update the field.

Do note that cross-reference fields acting as hyperlinks don't look any different to the surrounding text (ie not blue & underlined
text) as in ordinary hyperlinks. If you want the cross-reference field to look like a hyperlink, format the 'R' in 'REF' or 'P' in
'PAGEREF', depening on the type of cross-reference, and add '\* Charformat' to the field code, before the '\h'.

Elena Bulaeva

Hi, macropod. Thank you for your replay.

We don't need the cross-reference field to look like a hyperlink. We
need to change cross-reference to hyperlinks, cause the method of
adding links (as hyperlinks — Insert - hyperlinks - Place In this
document) is very important for future work with this documents.

We want to find a quick method of replacing links in many documents.
Replacing links by hand will take too much time.


Hi Elena,

Since cross-references can function the same way as hyperlinks, I don't understand why you need a hyperlink, as such - especially
since inserting hyperlinks is more complicated (the process is fully explained in Word's Help file).

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Hi, macropod. Thank you for your replay.

We don't need the cross-reference field to look like a hyperlink. We
need to change cross-reference to hyperlinks, cause the method of
adding links (as hyperlinks — Insert - hyperlinks - Place In this
document) is very important for future work with this documents.

We want to find a quick method of replacing links in many documents.
Replacing links by hand will take too much time.

Elena Bulaeva

Hi, macropod,

This documents will be translated in one of the Translation memory
systems, which can work correctly with hyperlinks only. This
documents have already contaned cross-references.


Hi Elena,

I'm not sure that Word exposes any attributes from REF & PAGREF fields, etc that can be interrogated via vba and incorporated into a
HYPERLINK field. Nevertheless, you may be able to achive what you're after by embedding the cross-reference fields in hyperlink
fields. For that, you could use code like:
Sub HyperlinkXRefs()
Dim i As Integer, RngFld As Range
ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = True
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Fields.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Fields(i)
If .Type = wdFieldRef Or .Type = wdFieldPageRef Then
With Selection
.Fields.Add Range:=.Range, Type:=wdFieldHyperlink, Text:="\l", PreserveFormatting:=False
.MoveEnd wdWord, 1
Set RngFld = .Range
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
.Move wdCharacter, -1
RngFld.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End With
End If
End With
End With
ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = False
End Sub

If that doesn't achieve what you're after, I suspect you'll have to go through the document manually replacing the cross-references
with hyperlinks.

You may be concerned about my references to cross-reference fields in hyperlink fields in the above. The reason is that this is how
Word stores cross-references and hyperlinks.

Note too that, if a cross-reference field is already embedded in another field and you run the above code, you'll end up with a
hyperlinked cross-reference embedded in that field - running the code twice, for example, will produce that effect.


Hi macropod,

I'm after almost exactly the same solution as elena and stumbled ove
your code. The problem I have is the following: I have tw
cross-references one after another and when I run your macro, i
eliminates the space between them. I tried working through your code
but i can't quite figure it out. Could you please help me on that?

best regard


Hi darksinister,

With Selection
With Selection
.InsertAfter " "

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