how to replace new lines?




I have been doing the straight forward finding new lines using ^p .

If I do a wild card search (regular expression), what to use in place of the
^p? I've tried \n. It didn't work. It works with ^p.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

To add to what Jezebel and Graham have said, ^p doesn't find "new lines." It
finds paragraph breaks. A "line break" (new line character) is found by
searching for ^l (lowercase L); this works with wildcards as well.


Thanks for all of the responses.

In Word,
^013 works,
^l doesn’t

If I use WordPad, both doesn’t work.

If I use WordPad I lot, what is the character to use to replace that "new
line". Is it CR or CR/LF or LF use in WordPad?


Graham Mayor

^l will work in Word if there is a line break to find. ^011 is an
alternative for that.
This forum is for Word! Wordpad is a rudimentary word processor that does
not have the search functionality of Word.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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