How to represent both Expected duration and real duration in 1 file?



Hi all, thanks so much for reading this,

i'm stuck here in the middle of nowhere, when my bossie said that,
want the working schedule to be able to represent both expected/planne
timeline and real timeline that happened for review later ..., whic
could be easily compare to each other without alt + tab here and ther

I dont know where to start ... anybody have any idea

Dale Howard [MVP]

iluvyoukai --

After you plan your project, but before you begin entering actuals, click
Tools - Tracking - Save Baseline (Set Baselin in Project 2007). When you
baseline your project, the software saves your original planned values for
Duration, Start, Finish, Work, and Cost. After you begin tracking progress
in your project, you can compare your current schedule against the original
Baseline schedule using the Tracking Gantt view (View - Tracking Gantt).
Hope this helps.


One more question, erm ... due to some inconvenient-to-tell reason,
have to use MS Project 2k3 now, and the tracking Gantt things doesn
work anymore. When it was on MS project 2k7, when I click on trackin
Gantt, there were 2 bars, a baseline one and an actual one, but now
there is just the actual one only. I can have some advise on this



Try displaying the Tracking Gantt view which by default shows the
actual and baseline or run the Gantt chart wizard to turn on the
display of the baseline bars.

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