How to represent tables on the forms?



How to represent tables on the forms? I need the both tables and ohter
things like for ex graphs on the forms. In my case on the form must be placed
information about the projekt participants. How to make such tables show for
the specific projekt all its participants list with personal info about
them(name, surname, telefon and etc.).
Best regards,

Jeff Boyce


Based on your description, you are attempting to make the tables look like
the forms. This is opposite of how you use Access to develop an

With Access, you first design your tables and their inter-relationships,
then create forms to help the users add/edit/delete data.


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Dale Fye


It sounds like you need to create a subform, and place that on your main
(Project) form.

Start out by creating a form based on your Project Participants table.
Actually, If you have your database normalized, this table would only contain
two fields (projectID and PeopleID). Then, you would have a People table,
that contains the details about people. So you would create this new form
based on a query that joins [ProjectParticipants] to [People] on the PeopleID

Once you have all the fields you want in this form, save it and close it.

Then, open the main form (frm_Projects) and add a subform control to it. In
the subform controls Data property sheet, find the SourceObject, and select
the form you just created (frmProjectPeople). Then, set the master/child
fields to PeopleID.

Now, when you view a project, it should also show the people assigned to it.


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