How to resize the instant search pane on click on the icon to expand/



I am trying to learn windows api and message handling.

I had seen an example of custom task pnae in outlook and I tried to ad
a custom pane in instant search pane. But when I try to click the ico
to expand/ collpase the search pane, it is not expanding / collapsin
properly. It is responding properly only if I switch to some other ap
and come back to outlook, or if I debug it (so then also I switch fro
outlook to Visual studio to see breakpoints)

I subclasses the window and taking care of WM_SIZE message.
With spy++, when I see the messages, I am getting the WM_SIZE onl
after the switching to other app and comeback to outlook.

What message do I need to process or what should I do to make i
expand/ collapse properly with a click on the icon?

Thanks in advanc

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Hard to say without seeing your subclassing and windows messaging code, and
please don't post that here. Code like that is way too long to evaluate in a
newsgroup post.

Did you follow the example at If not,
what example did you follow?

All I can say is that all of my subclassing code in VB6 works OK without
having to switch to other apps and back, but I mostly use subclassing like
that to provide system tray icons that respond to mouse clicks.

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