How to restore deleted calendar? I inadvertently deleted.



I need to restore the calendar I inadvertently deleted. I can't find it in
the deleted folder or recycle bin.


Go back to your "Deleted Items" folder in Outlook and check if there is a
small "plus" (+) sign to the left of it. Click on the plus sign and the
deleted Calendar should appear below the "Deleted Items" folder. It worked
for me just now when I tested it.



It wasn't in Deleted items but I looked at the folder view while in my
calendar and it showed up under or as a folder in deleted. There was no plus
sign but I was able to click and drag it back in.
Thank you


Technically, it was in Deleted Items. It's just how Outlook displays such
things. The + sign wasn't there for you because the deleted calendar
appeared below Deleted Items. There was probably a - sign there instead.
It's a toggel switch...much like Windows Explorer. If you would have clicked
on the - sign, the deleted calendar would have "vanished" from view and the
+ sign would have appeared.


I also inadvertently deleted my calendar, but I cannot find it in deleted
items, I only see a few old appointments which have been deleted and deleted
emails. Is there some other place to look for my deleted calendar?

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I also inadvertently deleted my calendar, but I cannot find it in deleted
items, I only see a few old appointments which have been deleted and deleted
emails. Is there some other place to look for my deleted calendar?

Since Outlook doesn't allow you to delete any of the default folders, you'll
have to be more explicit in describing what you did. Include your version of
Outlook and the type of the account you use as well.

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