How to restric another excel app to attach to the created applicat



I am creating excel in my application using create dispatch, when my
application is running i dont want another excel application to attach to my
existing application

How to restric another excel application to attach to the application
created by my project

Jacob Skaria

Please try and feedback

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

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This doesnt work, this makes my excel worksheet invisible.

My app creates a.xls in the background
Suppose user clicks b.xls, both a.xls and b.xls are getting opened.

b.xls is getting attached to a.xls , that is the problem.

Jacob Skaria

Could you please post the code so as to check.

If you have referred the workbook as ActiveWorkbook.Activesheet.... please
change that to Workbooks("Book1").Sheets("Sheet1")....

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