How to Retain an Attached File in a Reply



How do I do this in Outlook 2007? Corporate environment, exchange server,
Office 2007. I *need* (not want) to reply to several people and keep the
attachment. The only way I can do that now is to forward the message; but
then I have to add all the email addresses again, which is a pain.

I found instructions on Microsoft's site for Outlook 97, but... :)

Brian Tillman

WildDoktor said:
How do I do this in Outlook 2007? Corporate environment, exchange
server, Office 2007. I *need* (not want) to reply to several people
and keep the attachment. The only way I can do that now is to
forward the message; but then I have to add all the email addresses
again, which is a pain.

Click Reply, then drag the attachment from the original message to the
reply. However, the person to whom you're replying ALREADY HAS the
attachment since he or she sent it to you. Why would you want to clutter up
the recipient's mailbox with useless data?


Well first, thanks for assuming that our methods are "useless"; that's pretty
professional of you.

But since you asked, our policy on *some* emails is to forward them to an
outside source that does service for us. The policy is also to include the
original sender so that the outside source can then reply directly to that
sender. In these instances, the original sender always adds an attachment,
which needs to go to the outside source.

So, it is much easier to reply to the (sometimes several) original sender(s)
and just add one more address for the outside vendor, than to forward and
have to add everybody.

I'll give the drag/drop thing a try, but will need to make a change and
*not* close the original message when replying.

If anybody has an easier way to retain an attached file in a reply, even if
it's a reg hack, please reply.


WildDoktor said:
Well first, thanks for assuming that our methods are "useless"; that's
professional of you.

But since you asked, our policy on *some* emails is to forward them to an
outside source that does service for us. The policy is also to include
original sender so that the outside source can then reply directly to that
sender. In these instances, the original sender always adds an
which needs to go to the outside source.

So why doesn't the sender send the mail directly to the outside source?
Seems you have an over-complicated system...

Brian Tillman

WildDoktor said:
Well first, thanks for assuming that our methods are "useless";
that's pretty professional of you.

Read what I wrote again. I never said your methods were useless.
So, it is much easier to reply to the (sometimes several) original
sender(s) and just add one more address for the outside vendor, than
to forward and have to add everybody.

I can see that.
I'll give the drag/drop thing a try, but will need to make a change
and *not* close the original message when replying.

A simple enough change.
If anybody has an easier way to retain an attached file in a reply,
even if it's a reg hack, please reply.

There is no way to force Outlook to include attachments on replies, unless
it's possible to write code to do it. Unmodified Outlook cannot. There is
no registry hack, as far as I know.


WildDoktor said:
How do I do this in Outlook 2007? Corporate environment, exchange server,
Office 2007. I *need* (not want) to reply to several people and keep the
attachment. The only way I can do that now is to forward the message; but
then I have to add all the email addresses again, which is a pain.

I found instructions on Microsoft's site for Outlook 97, but... :)

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