I have a procedure where the parameter is the task finish date.
I want the person to supply the day as the parameter (eg 12-14-05) without
having to specifiy the time component
For example, i want all tasks that have a finish date of 12-14-05 regardless
of whether they finish at 8am, noon, 5pm or whatever time.
my problem is that the finish date may be 12-14-05 17:00:00 in the project
Unless the parameter is supplied as 12-14-05 17:00:00, the procedure won't
return results.
How do i truncate the time piece of the datetime so that when the paramter
is supplied as 12-14-05, all tasks whose finish date is 12-14-05 xx:xx:xx
are returned regardless of what's in the xx:xx:xx's ..
I want the person to supply the day as the parameter (eg 12-14-05) without
having to specifiy the time component
For example, i want all tasks that have a finish date of 12-14-05 regardless
of whether they finish at 8am, noon, 5pm or whatever time.
my problem is that the finish date may be 12-14-05 17:00:00 in the project
Unless the parameter is supplied as 12-14-05 17:00:00, the procedure won't
return results.
How do i truncate the time piece of the datetime so that when the paramter
is supplied as 12-14-05, all tasks whose finish date is 12-14-05 xx:xx:xx
are returned regardless of what's in the xx:xx:xx's ..