How to return user to Access after getting Excel worksheets



I have an application where I'm opening up several Excel worksheets from
Access. My queries are running fine, Excel opens the applicable worksheet(s)
but once I open Excel, excel is being displayed and I don't know how to
return control to Access in order to display a message via a form. My
message runs but the user can't see it because Excel is running on top.
Here's what I'm doing thus far.

from a form level procedure I call the following:

Sub OpenExcelFiles(strExcelFileName As String)

On Error GoTo Err_OpenExcelFiles

Dim XLApp As Excel.Application

Set XLApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True

If strExcelFileName <> "" Then
XLApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFileName
End If

Exit Sub

If XLApp Is Nothing Then
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
MsgBox Error$ & ". Error Number " & Err.Number
Resume Exit_OpenExcelFiles
End If

End Sub

.....and then I try to display the following message once code returns to the
form level procedure except I don't see it because Excel is still being

If strReportAll <> "Y" Then
[Forms]!frmLoadMsg.lblDisplayMsg.Caption = "All Done!"
Sleep = Timer
Loop Until Timer >= Sleep + 2 'sleep for 2 seconds so user can see screen
End If

At one point, I switched around my message and call to display the message
indicating the query was done and outputting to Excel and it works well for 1
query but when I run multiple queries all calling this procedure I only want
to display 1 message at the end, after the excel worksheets have already been

Any assistance gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

Kevin K. Sullivan

I don't think you need the line:

XLApp.Visible = True

, it seems to be setting the focus to Excel. You can also investigate the
AppActivate statement, which is often used to set the focus *away* from
Access, but can be used to return the focus to Access, such as

AppActivate "Microsoft Access"

You may need to change the argument if you have changed the application




Thanks Kevin

The AppActivate "Microsoft Access" got me closer to where I want to be. Now
my problem is that when I return to Access it's returning me to a code window
vs the form. I should also mention that I'm using Access 97. Any hints for
this one?

I found I still need to use the XLApp.Visible = True
because I do want my users to be able to access Excel from the task bar and
in some situations I actually do want to leave them in Excel.

Kevin K. Sullivan said:
I don't think you need the line:

XLApp.Visible = True

, it seems to be setting the focus to Excel. You can also investigate the
AppActivate statement, which is often used to set the focus *away* from
Access, but can be used to return the focus to Access, such as

AppActivate "Microsoft Access"

You may need to change the argument if you have changed the application



Mo said:
I have an application where I'm opening up several Excel worksheets from
Access. My queries are running fine, Excel opens the applicable
but once I open Excel, excel is being displayed and I don't know how to
return control to Access in order to display a message via a form. My
message runs but the user can't see it because Excel is running on top.
Here's what I'm doing thus far.

from a form level procedure I call the following:

Sub OpenExcelFiles(strExcelFileName As String)

On Error GoTo Err_OpenExcelFiles

Dim XLApp As Excel.Application

Set XLApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True

If strExcelFileName <> "" Then
XLApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFileName
End If

Exit Sub

If XLApp Is Nothing Then
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
MsgBox Error$ & ". Error Number " & Err.Number
Resume Exit_OpenExcelFiles
End If

End Sub

....and then I try to display the following message once code returns to
form level procedure except I don't see it because Excel is still being

If strReportAll <> "Y" Then
[Forms]!frmLoadMsg.lblDisplayMsg.Caption = "All Done!"
Sleep = Timer
Loop Until Timer >= Sleep + 2 'sleep for 2 seconds so user can see
End If

At one point, I switched around my message and call to display the message
indicating the query was done and outputting to Excel and it works well
for 1
query but when I run multiple queries all calling this procedure I only
to display 1 message at the end, after the excel worksheets have already

Any assistance gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

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