I have an application where I'm opening up several Excel worksheets from
Access. My queries are running fine, Excel opens the applicable worksheet(s)
but once I open Excel, excel is being displayed and I don't know how to
return control to Access in order to display a message via a form. My
message runs but the user can't see it because Excel is running on top.
Here's what I'm doing thus far.
from a form level procedure I call the following:
Sub OpenExcelFiles(strExcelFileName As String)
On Error GoTo Err_OpenExcelFiles
Dim XLApp As Excel.Application
Set XLApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True
If strExcelFileName <> "" Then
XLApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFileName
End If
Exit Sub
If XLApp Is Nothing Then
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
MsgBox Error$ & ". Error Number " & Err.Number
Resume Exit_OpenExcelFiles
End If
End Sub
.....and then I try to display the following message once code returns to the
form level procedure except I don't see it because Excel is still being
If strReportAll <> "Y" Then
[Forms]!frmLoadMsg.lblDisplayMsg.Caption = "All Done!"
Sleep = Timer
Loop Until Timer >= Sleep + 2 'sleep for 2 seconds so user can see screen
End If
At one point, I switched around my message and call to display the message
indicating the query was done and outputting to Excel and it works well for 1
query but when I run multiple queries all calling this procedure I only want
to display 1 message at the end, after the excel worksheets have already been
Any assistance gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
Access. My queries are running fine, Excel opens the applicable worksheet(s)
but once I open Excel, excel is being displayed and I don't know how to
return control to Access in order to display a message via a form. My
message runs but the user can't see it because Excel is running on top.
Here's what I'm doing thus far.
from a form level procedure I call the following:
Sub OpenExcelFiles(strExcelFileName As String)
On Error GoTo Err_OpenExcelFiles
Dim XLApp As Excel.Application
Set XLApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True
If strExcelFileName <> "" Then
XLApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFileName
End If
Exit Sub
If XLApp Is Nothing Then
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
MsgBox Error$ & ". Error Number " & Err.Number
Resume Exit_OpenExcelFiles
End If
End Sub
.....and then I try to display the following message once code returns to the
form level procedure except I don't see it because Excel is still being
If strReportAll <> "Y" Then
[Forms]!frmLoadMsg.lblDisplayMsg.Caption = "All Done!"
Sleep = Timer
Loop Until Timer >= Sleep + 2 'sleep for 2 seconds so user can see screen
End If
At one point, I switched around my message and call to display the message
indicating the query was done and outputting to Excel and it works well for 1
query but when I run multiple queries all calling this procedure I only want
to display 1 message at the end, after the excel worksheets have already been
Any assistance gratefully appreciated. Thanks.