Several months ago there were a few MS03.xxx and MS04.xxx
office patches listed. I would like to rollout these
patches but having trouble finding an efficient way. I
could try a logon script, but havent figured out the
right way for the Office XP patches to install on Office
XP machines and Office 2000 patches to install on Office
2000 machines on the same network. SMS is out of the
question for me and I uses SUS for windows patches. I
heard the the new WUS will also support Office XP patches
(but not Office 2k).
Whats the most efficent way to roll out these patches?
office patches listed. I would like to rollout these
patches but having trouble finding an efficient way. I
could try a logon script, but havent figured out the
right way for the Office XP patches to install on Office
XP machines and Office 2000 patches to install on Office
2000 machines on the same network. SMS is out of the
question for me and I uses SUS for windows patches. I
heard the the new WUS will also support Office XP patches
(but not Office 2k).
Whats the most efficent way to roll out these patches?