How to rotate table clockwise



I have a table with field labels in column A (A2 to A16). I'd like to rotate
this table clockwise, i.e. have the field labels on the top of the table in
A2 through I2. I tried to build a PivotTable to no avail... Does not matter
what I click on or highlight in the original table - the whole table, the
column A or just the A2 cell. For some reason, only the text in the A2 or
the items in A2 through I2 appear in the list. But I need the A2 down to A16
be on the list to put them on top of the columns...
How can I do it? May someone please give me step-by-step instructions?
Thanks for your assistance.


To be precise I expect you don't actuall want *clockwise rotation*
but a simple transposition, ie rotate about the diagonal

assuming a2-16 are labels
and b2:?16 is the data (? being the last column)

select the whole table
Copy, Paste Special - transpose


Gord Dibben

Copy A2:A16

Edit>Paste Special>Transpose>OK>Esc.

You will need a n empty row to paste them into.

Delete the original A2:A16 when happy.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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