How to Run Multiple PowerPoint Instances


Drew Lettington

I have a PowerPoint add-in that runs and inserts multiple objects into a
presentation. That process can take serveral minutes and the PowerPoint user
interface is blocked while it is running. I'd like to run the add-in on
multiple presentations but it doesn't work since all the presentations are
open in the same PowerPoint instance and the first run blocks the UI for the
other presentations

I could run multiple instances of the add-in if I could get multiple
instances of the PowerPoint application to run on my machine instead of
having multiple presentations open in a single PowerPoint application. For
example, if I open one presentation in PowerPoint XP and one in PowerPoint
2003 I can run the add-in simultaneously in each application.

Is there a way to have PowerPoint open multiple instances of itself
(powerpnt.exe) - one per presentation - rather than one instance processing
all the presentations?

Shyam Pillai

Sorry, PowerPoint is single instance application unless you have multiple
versions installed on the same machine.

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