How to safely reinstall Office 2004



I am helping a technically-challenged colleague reinstall Office 2004 on her
iBook after the Word, Excel and Powerpoint applications mysteriously
disappeared. User error is highly likely here : ).

She has her original install CD, and the MS Office folder still resides in
her Applications folder with supporting files/folders but no applications.
Her iBook is using OS 10.4.11.

Are there any published procedures I can point her to in order to make the
reinstall go smoothly? Anything to look out for?

Many thanks!


Hi Rick -

The first thing is to do a Spotlight search to make sure the apps haven't
simply been moved to a different location. If they are in fact there
somewhere put them back where they belong, repair disk permissions, restart
the Mac & all "should" be fine.

If reinstalling is necessary have a look here:

Read it all thoroughly before proceeding in order to preserve the user
files, etc. You'll also have to apply the 11.5 update, then repair
permissions before attempting to launch any of the programs.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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