I was given the following macro to use to enter explanations in a memo data
type box: Me.MyMemoField.SelStart=Len(Me.MyMemoField.SelStart) I
entered it exactly as was given to me.
When I go to enter data into that box I get the following response:
'The macro (or its macro group) doesn't exist, or the macro is new but
hasn't been saved. Note that when you enter the macrogroupname.macroname
syntax in an argument, you must specify the name the macro's macro group was
last saved under.'
What do I need to do?
type box: Me.MyMemoField.SelStart=Len(Me.MyMemoField.SelStart) I
entered it exactly as was given to me.
When I go to enter data into that box I get the following response:
'The macro (or its macro group) doesn't exist, or the macro is new but
hasn't been saved. Note that when you enter the macrogroupname.macroname
syntax in an argument, you must specify the name the macro's macro group was
last saved under.'
What do I need to do?