How to save MS Access field Type=OLEObject as .doc, .xls, .ppt, etc.?


Geoff Blood [ACC]

I have an MS Access database in which one table has a "field" of type
OLEObject. That field contains MS Word docs, MS Excel workbooks, MS
Powerpoint presentations, Wordpad docs, etc.

I need to save each of these as individual files in specific folders.

I can use the GetValue(x) method to retrieve the object/file. I've tried
using FileOpen(i, path, OpenMode.Binary); FilePutObject(o); FileClose(i) but
the results are not "legal" documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.

How can I "get" the object/file and then save it as a file?

Thanks in advance!

ps: using, but I can translate C# if need be :)


Stephen Lebans ( is the acknowledged expert on
that. The code that you want is almost certainly on his site. If you
can't find it, try posting to one of the microsoft.public.access.*
groups. Use a subject line like: "Convert OLE Object to Word?", he's
sure to see that.

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